Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday {Week 2}

Well, well, well, it's Thursday again already!
And you know what that means.....
*Sings a super cute jingle for Thankful Thursday that I've yet to come up with*

Last Thursday: I was thankful for F I N A L L Y getting the Irish show cleaned up. It's about time since the show is this Saturday. As the team captain I have not been a very happy camper with my dancers lately.

Friday: I was really thankful to have a sister that hangs out with me when all of my friends are being crummy.

Saturday: I was thankful for the privilege to get a haircut. Let's just say it's was getting pretty squirrelly lookin'! I was also thankful that my new purity ring finally came in the mail!! YAY!

Sunday: I was thankful for our bi-monthly Girls of Grace gathering and the opportunity to make other people's day a little brighter :)

Monday: My teacher has been letting me choreograph a couple of dances for our youngins and I finally got one of them finished which was like a weight off of my shoulders.

Tuesday: We have a weekly ladies class every Tuesday at my congregation and each class is so encouraging and I am so thankful for the ladies who are willing to pray aloud and teach the class. (And my mama who does announcements every class.) And I was thankful for a good hair day. I mean...check this thang out ;)

You'll have to ignore those pimples on my chin and by pimples I mean miniature solar system.

Wednesday: For the seniors every year in our recitals, each girl gets to participate in a father-daughter dance. Which we started rehearsals for last night and they went surprisingly better than I was expecting.

I've really got to start taking more pictures of things :(
I'll be working on that for next week :)

What were you thankful for this past week?
Hope you're having a great Thursday!!


  1. i'd have to agree. sisters are such the blessings and one of the best things ever. love your blessings! :)


  2. Super cute haircut! Love it! You're ring is very pretty also! Found ya on "My Love for Lyla". Hope you're having a good Monday.
