Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Be a Girl of Grace

My church, specifically our youth group, has a little organization called "Girls of Grace" where two or three times a month we all get together and have a bible study and/or do an act of service.
On Sunday we got together and had a bible study and made these little notebooks which I think are totally precious.

Yeah, that's right, homegirl over here handmade that bow. (Um, no that's not hot glue and lopsided-ness that you see? You may want to get your eyes checked!)

Anyway, there were only 2 girls that showed up this Sunday. Yes. 2.
So the other girl, our teacher or mentor whatever you'd like to call her, and I made the other 12 girls their own with a personalized note and verse on the inside cover.

Something about this just made me feel very good for some reason.
I guess because I was letting other people know that they were thought of and missed even when they weren't around and hopefully felt encouraged to be there the next time.
I mean, we didn't have to spend 2 hours making a ton of other notebooks, but we did because it was kind and giving.

Thus, I've come to the conclusion...It's the little things y'all.
Seriously. Whether it's holding the door open for someone who is a little ways behind you, writing a letter to a family who is having a hard time, or pouring someone a glass of lemonade before you pour one for yourself.
It's nice to show other people that they have a presence in your heart.

The definition of grace according to dictionary.com is:
favor or goodwill. kindness, kindliness, lovebenignity; condescension.
So, I just wanted to make this post to serve as a reminder for all of us to show the world around us a little extra love.
Have a lovely rest of your Tuesday!

PS. This super weird theme is only temporary! I'm working on getting another one designed for me since I'm obviously not too talented in that department ;)

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